
Disdik Riau Minta Sekolah Laporkan Perkembangan Pengisian Data PDSS
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KPK Seizes Important Documents From The PBJ at The Riau Governor Office Regarding Alleged SKA Flyover Corruption
Rabu, 22 Januari 2025 - 23:33:14 WIB

PEKANBARU – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is continuing to investigate
charges of corruption in the Simpang Empat SKA flyover building project in Pekanbaru.

After searching the Riau Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Office, the anti-corruption team is currently focusing on the Riau Regional Secretariat's Goods and Services Procurement Bureau (PBJ) office on the 6th floor of the Lancang Kuning Building, Riau Governor's Office.

Based on Hallo Riau's observation, the Corruption Eradication Commission team seized three bags purportedly containing project-related documents.

The evidence secured consisted of two large suitcases and one small suitcase, as well as one
carton of mineral water. The documents were then put in the trunk of the car.

The Corruption Eradication Commission team arrived to the Riau Province Regional Secretariat Goods and Services Procurement Bureau office at 10.30 WIB in four Toyota Innova sedans, accompanied by two police officers.

Not only the Goods and Services Procurement Bureau, the Corruption Eradication Commission also reportedly searched the Riau Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) office. The search in these two offices aimed to look for evidence related to the construction of the flyover which cost the 2018 Riau Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget budget of IDR 159 billion.
Author : Sri Wahyuni
Editor: M Iqbal


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