
Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas di Jalan Lintas PT SIR Libatkan Dua Motor
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Facts Related to Head of Transportation Agency Yuliarso Entering Corruption Eradication Commission Car After Search of His Office
Rabu, 11 Desember 2024 - 09:54:20 WIB

PEKANBARU - On Tuesday (10/12/2024), the Corruption Eradication Commission team demonstrated its capabilities by examining a number of Regional Apparatus Organization offices inside the Pekanbaru City Government.

This time, the Transportation Service and the National Unity and Politics Agency were the targets of the operation, in the context of examining a suspected corruption case that has sparked public interest.

Head of The Pekanbaru Transportation Service Taken by The Corruption Eradication Commission Team The search at the Pekanbaru Transportation Agency office has been intense since midday.

The Corruption Eradication Commission team was seen carrying suitcases, backpacks and boxes containing evidence from the 1st and 5th floors of the Belah Bubung Building, where the transportation service office is located. Yuliarso, The Head of the Pekanbaru Transportation Service, was seen getting into the car.

Yuliarso was observed exiting the facility under heavy security and promptly into one of the Corruption Eradication Commission's four working vehicles. The four automobiles then fled the scene. However, the office area was not sealed, and staff operations resumed as usual when the Corruption Eradication Commission team departed.

Searches Continue at the National Unity and Political Agency In a different location, the search at the Pekanbaru National and Political Unity Agency office continued until the afternoon. The area on the 3rd floor, where the search was carried out, is closely guarded by the Civil Service Police Unit to ensure that the investigation process runs smoothly.

All employees of national and political unity bodies were asked to wait outside the building while the inspection took place.

This step is part of the Corruption Eradication Commission's investigation into suspected criminal acts of corruption inside the Pekanbaru City Government. Previously, searches were conducted at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Service and the Housing and Settlement Areas Service on Monday (9/12/2024).

Corruption Eradication Commission Denies Arrest The Corruption Eradication Commission denied bringing in Yuliarso, the head of the Pekanbaru Transportation Service. The investigation team merely conducted a search.

“There was no arrests, no arrests,” said Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto, Corruption Eradication Commission spokesperson, Tuesday (10/12/2024).

Tessa reported that the Corruption Eradication Commission investigators in Pekanbaru conducted solely searches.

"The activity is only a search," stated Tessa, as cited by Cakaplah.

Author: Dini
Editor: Riki


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