
Polres Pelalawan Tangkap 27 Pengedar Ganja, Barang Bukti Capai 2,8 Kg
Here is the Full List of Prices for Fresh Fruit Palm Oil in Riau that are Compactly Down this Week
Rabu, 15 Januari 2025 - 19:33:53 WIB

PEKANBARU – The cost of fresh fruit bunches for self-supporting oil palm partnerships for the period of January 15–21, 2025, has been released by the Riau Province Plantation Service.

According to Dr. Defris Hatmaja, Head of Processing and Marketing at the Riau Disbun, prices have decreased, with farmers now paying IDR 3,435.15 per kilogram for fresh fruit bunches.

He said, the highest price reduction was in the 9 year age group, amounting to IDR 179.32/Kg or reaching 4.96% from last week's price.

"Until the purchase price of farmers' bunches of fresh fruit drops to Rp3,435.15/Kg with the shell price at Rp34.75/Kg." Defris Hatmaja stated on Wednesday, 15/1/2025.

In this period, the K index used is the K index for the next 1 month, namely 93.30%. This week's CPO sales price fell by IDR 744.28/kg from last week, and this week's kernel sales price fell by IDR 591.10/kg from last week.

"There are several palm oil mills that do not make sales. Based on Minister of Agriculture Regulation number 01 of 2018 article 8, the CPO and Kernel prices used are the team's average price. If the CPO or kernel price is subject to validation 2, the average KPBN price is used," he said.

Average price Crude Palm Oil KPBN is IDR 14,026.00/Kg and the KPBN Kernel price is IDR 11,183.00/Kg. Since the data source firms for independent partners did not sell CPO and kernels last week, data from the previous two periods was utilized for the deduction, which is
why this week's price decline was more than that of plasma partners.

"Improving pricing governance is a serious effort from all stakeholders supported by
the Riau Provincial Government and the Riau High Prosecutor's Office," he said.

The price list for fresh fruit bunches for Riau Province Self-Help Partnership No. 2 for the period of January 15–21, 2025, is as follows:

Age 3 years Rp2.656,45
Age 4 years Rp2.965,29
Age 5 years Rp3.185,45
Age 6 years Rp3.308,98
Age 7 years Rp3.382,92
Age 8 years Rp3.424,19
Age 9 years Rp3.435,15
Age 10-20 years Rp3.397,67
Age 21 years Rp3.338,89
Age 22 years Rp3.271,66
Age 23 years Rp3.195,25
Age 24 years Rp3.137,47
Age 25 years Rp3.089,94.
Author: Sri Wahyuni
Editor: M Iqbal

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