
Panen Perdana Cabai Merah di Riau: Upaya Kurangi Ketergantungan Pasokan Luar
Palm Mitra Plasma Fresh Fruit Bunches in Riau are Down 3% This Week, Reaching IDR 3,462/Kg
Selasa, 14 Januari 2025 - 21:53:03 WIB

PEKANBARU - Riau Province Plantation Service has issued the price of plasma partnership oil palm fresh fruit bunches for the period of 15-21 January 2025.

Dr Defris Hatmaja, Head of the Riau Plantation Service's Processing and Marketing Division, stated that the price of fresh fruit bunches for the 9-year-old age group dropped the most, to IDR 108.69/Kg, or approximately 3.04%, compared to the previous period.

"Until the purchase price of bunches of fresh fruit drops to Rp3,462.33/kg, with the price of shells amounting to Rp21.01/kg," stated Defris Hatmaja on Tuesday (14/1/2024).

In this period, the K index used is 93.30% for the next month. The selling price of Crude Palm Oil this week was recorded to have decreased by Rp.482.83, while kernel decreased by Rp. 171.12 compared to last week.

"Several palm oil factories do not generate sales. According to Minister of Agriculture Regulation number 01 of 2018, article 8, the price of Crude Palm Oil and Kernels utilized is the team's average price; if subject to validation 2, the average KPBN price is used," he explained.

The average price of PT Kharisma Marketing Bersama Nusantara (KPBN) Crude Palm Oil this period is IDR 14,026.00 and the price of KPBN kernel this period is IDR 11,183.00.

"The decrease in pricing this week was primarily due to the decrease in prices for crude palm oil and kernels. The Riau Province Plantation Service and the Team for Determining Purchase Prices for Fresh Fruit Bunches of Palm Oil Production, Planters are constantly improving governance to ensure that price determination complies with regulations and is equitable to both parties," he stated.

Determination of prices for fresh fruit bunches of Riau Province Plasma Partnership No. 02 period 15 - 21 January 2025:

Age 3 Years (Rp. 2,664.12)
Age 4 Years (Rp. 3,024.43)
Age 5 Years (Rp. 3,206.69)
Age 6 Years (Rp. 3,346.99)
Age 7 Years (Rp. 3,418.49)
Age 8 Years (Rp. 3,458.91)
Age 9 Years (Rp. 3,462.33)
Age 10-20 Years (Rp. 3,443.31)
Age 21 Years (Rp. 3,388.57)
Age 22 Years (Rp. 3,335.91)
Age 23 Years (Rp. 3,279.86)
Age 24 Years (Rp. 3,218.35)
Age 25 Years (Rp. 3,149.26).
Author: Sri Wahyuni
Editor: M Iqbal

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