
Pemprov Riau Gencarkan Vaksinasi untuk Cegah Penyebaran PMK pada Ternak
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Council Requests BPKAD to Finish Pekanbaru Non-Teacher PPPK TPP After Nearly a Year in Arrears
Senin, 13 Januari 2025 - 21:55:52 WIB

PEKANBARU - Pekanbaru City Non-Teacher Government Employee Forum with a Work Agreement (PPPK) complained that the Additional Employee Income (TPP) had not been paid. The Pekanbaru City Government has not provided additional employee income (TPP) for 11 months.

On Monday, 13/1/2025, Rizky Bagus Oka, a member of Commission II of the Pekanbaru Regional People's Representative Council, received a direct communication from the Government Employee Forum regarding this Subdistrict along with a non-teacher Work Agreement.

The Forum had previously complained about Government Employees with a Work Agreement (PPPK), according to Rizky Bagus Oka's statement. The matter was brought before the Chairman of the City Regional People's Representative Council and then forwarded to Commission II, which is in charge of regional finance and permits with the Pekanbaru Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency, in order to find a solution.

"There are 53 TPP PPPK health workers in the Health Center that have not been disbursed for almost a year. Their hope is that it will be equal to other PPPK. At RSD Madani it has been paid, because it is a BLUD. Meanwhile, at other Health Centers and PPPK under the Health Service it has not been paid," said Bagus Oka.

Bagus Oka hopes that this meeting will be a solution and solution to the problems faced by the Forum Government Employees with a Work Agreement (PPPK) Non-Teacher Pekanbaru.

"The hope is that after this is conveyed, we can work together to resolve their unpaid rights because they haven't been paid for almost a year. Meanwhile, the work risks are the same. They are both health workers but they have more services because they are at the Community Health Center," he explained.

Responding to Forum complaints for Government Workers with a Work Agreement
(PPPK) The Pekanbaru City Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD), a consistent collaborator, will be the direct coordinator for this non-teacher, Commission II of the Pekanbaru City Regional People's Representative Council.

"Absolutely, I hope this can be settled soon so that the rights that are in fact the government's responsibilities be paid. Prior to the disposition to Commission II, they also had a meeting with the chairman of the Pekanbaru Regional People's Representative Council. We have received them, and as that is their duty and responsibility, we will also get in touch with the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency quite far," he explained.

This Gerindra politician confirmed that Commission II of the Pekanbaru Regional
People's Representative Council would coordinate again with the Health Service and
the acting Mayor of Pekanbaru.

"What is certain is that we will continue to coordinate under the direction of the leadership of the Regional People's Representative Council and the leadership of Commission II," said Bagus Oka.
Author : Mimi
Editor: Riki


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